Youth Ministries

Director of Religious Education: Patricia Evans
Director of Youth Ministry: Mary Beth Vernau

Director of Music: Dr. Denise Rudell

“Let no one have contempt for your youth, but set an example for those who believe, in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity.” (1 Tim 4:12)

Faith Formation Program (Sunday School)
The Faith Formation program is designed to assist parents in the formal training of their children ages 4 through grade 5 in the Catholic faith. In keeping with Diocesan guidelines, we guide our children to grow spiritually closer to God, through study, prayer, and worship. Preparation for the Sacraments of 1st Holy Communion and Reconciliation fall into this ministry. We always are looking for teachers and assistants.* Director of Religious Education: 
Patty Evans

Faith Formation Registration Forms for 2024-25
To enroll your child in our Sunday School program, please
click here to access the Registration Form.  Print and complete the Registration Form and return it to the church office with associated fees no later than Thursday, August 22, 2024. Classes will begin Sunday, September 8th, 2024.

Children's Choir
Our Director of Music, Dr. Denise Rudell, is looking for children ages 4 - 11 who are interested in singing in the Children's Choir. Practices will be held on Wednesday afternoons from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. beginning September 14th. To sign up, print and complete a Registration Form and turn it to the Church Office (online forms can be accessed
 "here"). If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Denise Rudell.

Middle School Music Ensemble

Come learn to praise God with your unique gifts and talents! No previous experience necessary. Singers and instruments are most welcome!

Fill out a registration form by clicking HERE! Return your form to the Church Office. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Denise Rudell.

Trunk or Treat 2024!

On Saturday, October 26th starting at 6:00 p.m. Transfiguration will host a fun, safe, and ghoulishly good time - 2nd Annual Trunk or Treat! Trunks full of treats for the little ones, games, a Bake Walk, and a drive-in movie featuring It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown and Monsters, Inc. This is a great family event. If you would like to sign up your "trunk" to hand out goodies to the little ghosts and goblins, CLICK HERE to register. Drop off your completed form at the church office.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a fun-filled week in the summer designed to deepen children’s relationship with Jesus Christ through God’s Word. Our next VBS is planned for June of 2025. Stayed tuned for the theme and registration information.  If you have any questions about VBS, please contact Patty Evans

Youth Ministry Programs

Youth greeters
Youth Group goes to the movies
Youth at study

As a parish, we use Lifeteen resources. Lifeteen International is a Eucharistic-driven Catholic movement that serves the Church by providing resources and faith experiences that help lead teens closer to Christ. At our parish, our Youth Minister and her Core Team of adult volunteers build an environment where teens feel loved, accepted, and compelled towards discipleship. Through the Sacraments and our community, teens learn more about our rich Catholic faith and grow to love the Sacraments, Sacred Scripture, and the Liturgy. Our goal is to walk with youth on their life-long journey with Christ.

Our Youth Ministry Program is open to all students in grades 6-12. Meetings are held Sunday afternoons following the 10:30 am Mass from 11:45 a.m.-2:00 pm in the Red Brick Building (Youth Building). While our two programs are combined (Edge: 6-8th grades & Lifeteen: 9-12th grades), we set aside time each week for our teens to meet separately with their peers. Throughout the school year, we also host and attend a variety of events from social gatherings to youth retreats! Many of our social events are combined, but our retreats are age/grade specific. We truly believe in being "one big family" and that our middle schoolers learn well from their older peers who have developed friendships and taken on mentorship roles with our younger members. See our weekly bulletin and social media pages for more information on weekly events!

Youth Group

More information about our programs follow us at:

Or contact Mary Beth Vernau*, Director of Youth Ministry:

*Per diocesan policy, safe-environment training (Safe Haven) and a background check is required for all adult volunteers who work with youth ministry. All training will be provided by the parish. 

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