Our faith formation programs exist to assist parents in their role as the primary teachers of the faith to their children.
Elementary Faith Formation - Our Sunday morning faith formation program is for students in Pre-Kindergarten (4 years of age) through 5th grade. Our sessions meet on Sunday mornings from 9:00 a.m. until 10:15 a.m.
Our Youth Ministry Program is open to all students in grades 6-12.
Meetings are held Sunday afternoons following the 10:30 am Mass from 11:45 a.m.-2:00 pm in the Red Brick Building (Youth Building). While our two programs are combined (Edge: 6-8th grades &
Lifeteen: 9-12th grades), we set aside time each week for our teens to meet separately with their peers. Find more details
Vacation Bible School is an easy way to get kids involved in church while giving you the opportunity to meet people within the church and interact with other children. Church membership is not required to participate. VBS is typically a week-long affair that takes place during the summer (usually in June). Children attend four hours each day. The purpose is to incorporate themed activities that entertain kids with the chance to learn about God. Each day includes Prayer, Bible Stories, Arts & Crafts, Games, Songs, Saint Stories, Puppet Shows, Snack Breaks, and the Science and Imagination Station.
First Reconciliation is celebrated in January with preparation beginning in the second grade including a Saturday retreat attended by Parents and Children. The retreat culminates with Father Jim hearing the children’s First Confession.
First Communion is celebrated in May usually after Religious Education classes have concluded. All Communicants receive this sacrament as a group during a weekend Mass. With the Masses being live-streamed, relatives and friends are able to participate no matter where they reside in the world. Father Jim focuses on the child’s receiving this sacrament with great care and a strong sense of community.
Confirmation preparation is a two-year program beginning in 8th grade with the Sacrament being celebrated in the spring of 9th grade. All sacramental preparation requires involvement in the home. Classes are held Sunday mornings from 9:00 until 10:15 am. In 9th grade participation in the High School Youth Group is required.
Classes begin in September and end in May. The schedule is structured to provide a maximum number of classes so as to assist parents in the formation of their children and to meet or exceed Diocesan Policy. The schedule is handed out with the registration form and is also in the bulletin.
Registration is held yearly. Families must register each year. By registering yearly, families aid us in updating records, purchasing adequate materials and staffing ministries. We need a copy of the child’s baptismal record. If your child was baptized at Transfiguration, please tell us the date so we may easily locate the record.
Faith Formation Fees
Families need to be active, registered members of our parish to enroll in Sunday School. Check the registration form for the fee schedule.
Student attendance is monitored. Random and inconsistent attendance diminishes the class dynamic and makes it difficult for the catechist to plan lessons that build on material covered in previous lessons. To ensure continuity of information and formation, students should attend all scheduled classes.
Students who will be starting First Communion or Confirmation preparation must have good attendance the year prior to entering the preparation process. Good attendance is defined as not having missed more than 3 classes.
Parental Involvement
We recognize that you are the primary catechists of your child, and that we are merely here to help you in your role.
Children and youth should dress comfortably but respectfully. Clothing that is scant, skimpy or expresses inappropriate stances create a distraction. Our exterior attitude or expression should reflect an interior attitude. For the safety of the individual as well as the community, no shoes with wheels are permitted during class time. Please monitor your child’s dress so that all may focus on building the kingdom of God. All cell phones are to be turned off, no iPods or other electronic equipment is permitted.
Severe weather cancellations will be emailed out the day before. Class cancellation not due to weather will be sent via email the week prior, if possible.
Off-Site Activities
Permission slips must be completed for any off-site activities such as retreats, social events and ministry opportunities. There may be an occasion when transportation will be needed using personal vehicles. Diocesan Policy mandates that we may not use corporate 15-passenger vans. When personal vehicles are used, volunteer parent drivers must have liability and collision insurance.
Special Needs
As Christians we recognize the uniqueness of God’s people. Parents are encouraged to alert the Director of Religious Education if they have identified their child as having special needs; medical or educational. The catechist will be confidentially informed. If necessary, a meeting will be held between the parent, catechist and the Director to determine the way that we can best assist the child. Also, in some cases the parent may be requested to assist in their child’s class to provide assistance and so everyone experiences a loving and cooperative environment.
Staff and Volunteers
The religious education team is comprised of the pastor, Director of Religious Education, Youth Minister and many lay volunteers. We provide training and on-going formation through parish and diocesan events. All staff and volunteers are required to participate in the diocesan Safe Haven program, which trains church members in safe environment procedures for the protection of children. This training includes a mandatory background check, facilitated through the Diocese of Charleston.
Teaching Safety
Each year parents have the option of having their children/youth participate in a Diocesan sponsored child protection program. The session is held during regularly scheduled faith formation sessions (generally the last Sunday in October). If parents choose to withhold their child/youth from the Teaching Safety program, they are requested not to bring them to class on the date of presentation.
Transfiguration is a friendly, growing Catholic parish just minutes outside of Columbia.