Our Faith

We believe in Jesus. 
At its heart, the Catholic faith all comes down to one person: Jesus of Nazareth. He lived nearly two thousand years ago, and we believe that despite every appearance of being an ordinary man, he was actually God himself who entered into our midst. God loves us so much that became one of us, so that he can share with us his life and his love. By putting our trust in him and making him the center of our lives, we can begin to experience the eternal life that he won for us, right now while on earth!

We believe that Jesus started a Church. 
Jesus did not want his followers to go on the journey alone. While he was on earth, he taught them, led them, fed them miraculously, healed them, forgave them and gave them everything else they needed for eternal life. He desired that his ministry would continue, and he chose special disciples and sent them out with his authority, to continue doing what he did. This was the start of the Church, his worldwide family of faith. Through his Church, Jesus continues to teach us, lead us, feed us miraculously, heal us, forgive us, and give us every other help we need to have the fullness of his life now, and one day in heaven!

We believe that the Catholic Church is this church begun by Jesus.
We are Catholic because we believe that the Catholic Church is the church begun by Jesus. If we thought that the Methodist Church or the local non-denominational church were the church that Jesus started, we would leave the Catholic Church and join that church. But when all the evidence is weighed, the Catholic Church is the only church which can trace its history and its beliefs all the way back to Christ.

Many non-Catholics have thought Catholics are the most unbiblical of all Christians... or even that we are not Christians at all! But when they really investigated what the Catholic Church teaches, they found that they had held many many misunderstandings and misconceptions. To their surprise, they found that the Catholic Church has good, biblical answers to every question they looked into...

Why not put the Catholic Church to the test?
If you are a non-Catholic, why not put the Catholic Church to the test? The first two websites on the left are some of our favorites for Q & A; while if you would like to read more comprehensively "from the horse's mouth" you can read our catechism online. 

If you would like to sit down and chat with our priest, he really enjoys answering common objections to the Catholic faith! Contact us by phone or email, and we can set up an opportunity for him to meet with you, or with one of our other friendly members of Transfiguration!

If you want to know more about discovering our Catholic faith as a newcomer to the Church or re-discovering the Catholic faith you received at baptism, you may want to start by exploring our Newcomers section.

To learn about what we believe as Catholics, you will want to start with What Do Catholics Believe? But if you want to learn more specifically about the seven sacraments, visit the Sacraments area of our site.
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