Sunday School
Our Religious Education program for children Pre-K through 5th grade meets on Sunday mornings from 9:00 until 10:15 am. Classes begin in September and end in May.
LifeTeen - High School
LifeTeen, our vibrant youth ministry program, for high school students (grades 9-12) is held on Sunday afternoons following the 10:30 am Mass. They begin with lunch starting about 12:00 pm and end at 2:00 pm.
Edge - Middle School
Edge, our dynamic Jr. high program, has been combined with our High School Youth Group.
Baptismal Preparation
The baptism of a child is a great joy for the parish community! Baptisms usually take place on Sunday at the 10:30 am Mass. Parents must be registered members of the parish and are required to meet with Father and attend a preparation session prior to the baptism of their child. Please call the office for more information.
First Reconciliation, First Communion, & Confirmation
Children prepare to receive these sacraments as part of the parish Religious Education program. Typically, children receive First Reconciliation and First Communion during second grade, and Confirmation in ninth grade after two years of preparation.
Adults - Faith Formation Opportunities
Adult Faith Formation
We offer different faith formation opportunities for adults throughout the year. Classes are announced in the weekly bulletin.
Men’s Prayer Group
Meets for Scripture study, fellowship, and prayer, Friday mornings from 6:00 am to 7:30 am in the gathering space of the church.
Marriage Preparation
Father or our deacon work individually with each engaged couple to help them prepare for the Sacrament of Marriage. Preparation must begin at least six months prior to your wedding date. Please contact the church office for more information.
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
Do you know someone who is interested in becoming Catholic? Deacon John Tempesco would be happy to answer their questions. Contact the church office for more information.
Transfiguration is a friendly, growing Catholic parish just minutes outside of Columbia.